Thursday 4 October 2012

Hazardous Chemical

Based on the 1999 kopmen 187 hazardous chemicals is chemicals in the form of single or mixtures based on chemical or physical properties or toksilogi harmful for labor, installation and environment.
Which category are hazardous materials that have properties:
1. Emit radiation
2. Explosive
3. Explosive or flammable
4. Oxidants
5. Fragile
6. Carcinogenic
7. Irritation
8. Teratogenic
9. Metagenik and
10. Corrosive
1. Flammable chemicals
Combustible materials are materials that readily reacts with oxygen and cause a fire. The reaction is very fast fires can also produce an explosion. Materials specified flammable liquid if flash point> 21 C and <55 C at a pressure of 1 atm. Liquid material that otherwise is highly flammable when the flash point <21 C and a boiling point <20 C at a pressure of 1 atm burning materials can be classified into:
a. Flammable solids, the industry is sulfur (sulfur), phosphorus paper / rayon, metallic and cotton hybrids. In general, more difficult to burn solid than liquid form. Still a fine powder formed of solid combustible.
b. Flammable liquids. This group is most commonly found in the industry known as the organic solvent. For example, alcohol ether, acetone, benzene, and hex etc.. Solvent at room temperature to produce steam which in a certain ratio can be used by any open flame or electric stepping. Experience shows that the vapor can diffuse as far as 3 feet toward the fire, or as if we saw the fire snatched organic solvent in the distance
c. flammable gas: Natural Gas, Acetylene (C2H2), hydrogen (H2), Ethylene Oxide, Methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), Butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3)

2. Toxic chemicals
• Metal Metaloid
Lead (Pb), silver (Ag), cadmium, chromium (Cr), Arsenic, Phosphorus
The effects: nerve, and blood gijal, irritation cancer, metabolism
• Chemical Solvents
Gasoline, Kerosene, Alcohol
The effects: Dizziness, coma liver, kidney, leukemia
• Toxic Gas
Nitrogen (N2), Argon (Ar), helium (He), acid cyanide (HCN), carbon monoxide (CO), NO2, H2S
The effects: simple asphyxiation, shortness of breath, dizziness, seizures, loss of brain, heart, nerve loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, irritants, and death
• Carcinogens
Benzene, Asbestos, Bensidin, Crom naphthyl, Amine, Vinyl chloride
The effects: leukemia, lung, bladder, liver, central nervous
• Pesticides
Organochlorines and organosulfat
The effects: dizziness, seizures, loss of consciousness, death

3. Chemical irritants
The materials for the chemical reaction can cause inflammation or damage to or in contact with the sanitary moist body surfaces such as the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Padaat irritants danger would arise when in contact with skin or eyes.
• Inorganic: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), sodium silicate (Na2ASiO2)
• Organic: calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2, KOH, Phenol (C6H5OH), tricloasetat acid (M2COOH)
• Inorganic: sulfuric acid, HNO3, HCl
• Organic: HF, H2SO4
4. Corrosive Chemicals
The materials for the chemical reaction can damage the metal
Example: Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3), hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2), sulfur dioxide (SO2)

5. The chemicals that are reactive to acid
Reactive acid chemical means will produce heat and flammable gases or toxic gases and corrosive.
Example: potassium chlorate / perchlorate (KClO3), Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4), Acid Chromate (H2Cr2O3).

6. Poisonous gas that dissolves in water
• Gas is very soluble in water, damage the upper respiratory tract: NH3, HCl, CH3COOH, HF
• Gas with moderate solubility, damaging the upper respiratory tract and the inside: SO2, Cl2, Cr2
• Gas with a small solubility, damaging part of the respiratory apparatus: O3, NO2

7. Explosive Chemicals
Chemical reactions result in the amount of gas and pressure as well as high temperatures are very sensitive to heat and mechanical effects (friction) can also occur due to the explosive mixture.

C-C (acetylene)
C-N2 (Diazo)
C-NO (nitrozo)
C-NO2 (nitro)
C-(NO2)2 (alkyl polinitro)
C = N-O (oksin)
C-N = N (azo)
N-NO (N-Nitroso)
N-NO2 (N-Nitro)
N2 (azide)
C-N2 (diazonium)
N-OH (hydroxyl / ammonium)
C-Cl-O3 (perkloril)
O-O (peroxide)
O3 (ozone)

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